CST370 Module Six


CST370 Module Six

Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Heapsort and also Hashing

What I learned this week:

This week we covered material on Binary trees and the different types, including AVL Trees and 2-3 Trees in which both provide a balanced search tree. Where AVL Trees work off of rotations upon insert, anytime the height of a subtree is > 1 or < -1 a rotation will occur, whether it be a left rotation, right rotation or doubly left-right rotation or doubly right-left rotation is dependent on the inserted nodes positioning withing the graph. 

We also covered Heaps and Heapsort in which we primarily centered our focus around Max Heap, where it can be represented as both a graph or an array. For graphs they are easier to visualize although having an array seems to be relatively straight-forward. where values positions are assigned by existing values that are of greater value than themselves.


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