CST300.4 Module Four


4 Module Four

4.0 Collab-U Module 4 & 5

    In this module we re-emphasized our work styles and types of processing by writing down our own summaries and presenting ourselves to our group. Identifying our own strengths and weaknesses, we were able to build rapport and learn more about our teammates. I've come to find we have a pretty well-balanced team, with workstyles that range between get it done/right to get along. This could be a great thing, especially when conflicts arise, between like-individuals, we can look towards our teammates Brandon, Maria, and Meagan in order to find a compromise between conflicting parties.

4.1 Setting Educational Goals

    When it comes to my education and goal setting, I'd like to focus on three separate goals, each of which will eventually be distributed amongst subtasks to accomplish. My primary goal throughout this program is to Obtain my BS in Computer Science meanwhile maintaining auxiliary courses that will aid in the job seeking process. My secondary goal I'd like to establish, is after my first year in the program, is to obtain an internship, that will give me in-field experience and better prepare me for graduation. My tertiary goal, is designated for after graduation, in that I eventually want to continue my education and pursue a masters in either computer science, or look towards a bachelors in biology.

4.2 Setting Career Goals

    When it comes to my future career in software development, I'd also like to focus on three separate goals. My primary goal upon graduation, is to obtain an entry-level software development job. Eventually, leading me to my secondary goal, of either moving up in the company I am currently working with, or to obtain a job elsewhere, where I could take on a more senior role in development. After which, I plan an attempt to take on a Project manager role, where I can take on the responsibility of leading a team in the development process.

4.3 ETS Computer Science Test

    After completing the sample of the ETS Computer Science Test I found that I need to brush up and refresh on certain material. All of the code analysis, recursion, and logic based questions I have a pretty solid foundation in, however I did notice that some of the computer architectural problems I had issues with, along with some binary arithmetic which I just drew a blank, but can recall now how to do.

4.4 Misc Learning

    So far, I'm enjoying the course, and taking the opportunity work on a lot of self-improvement by keeping my calendar up to date, maintaining my journal entries, and working on core team development skills. When it comes to assignments, generating an outline for my essay, based on contact tracing applications employed during the pandemic and their ethical implications in regards to privacy. I've found it difficult to condense the information I've learned so far, since the concern of privacy and overreach of government and big tech is quite layered and have yet to find alternative solutions to talk about.


  1. Hey Tangy Tech,
    I think it is great that you vividly know what educational goals you want to achieve. It is certainly stronger than the goals I made with my journal. Your educational goal in getting an internship will also be helpful in having a head start in your search for your career goal of finding an entry level software development job. Everything sets yourself up for success in your next goal. In addition to your goals, try to find out what type of software development you want to be a part of as it can be a large part of your future.

  2. Hi Chris,
    Your goals are similar to mine! Getting a job in general can be difficult, especially when there are multiple people vying for the same position. Realistically, gaining any kind of experience is beneficial and will help you advance to what you really want to do. It's great that you want to do project management, you do a great job of keeping our team on track and organized, you seem like a natural for that role. I know you'll go on to do great things once we get this degree!


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