CST 370 Module Four


CST370 Module Four

Merge Sort and Review of the Midterm

What I learned this week:

This week we went into more detail with the Divide and Conquer Recurrence Formula in a study behind the merge sort algorithm. This also included further examples of using the Master Theorem which cleared up a lot of confusion I had in the prior week. Primarily though we covered a lot of material in the first half of the course so most of the week was dedicated to reviewing previously learned material. Since last week was heavily focused on the Brute Force and it's use case in combinatorial based questions, I opted to work on some old discrete structures homework I had in a previous class that focused on distinguishing cases between when to use the permutation formula and when to use combination formula. I think that helped a lot. Because although the combinatorial is just one step to solving the Brute Force questions, it aided in distinguishing where and when to use the aforementioned combinatorial formulas. I also attended the Review session on Thursday which was fruitful as a lot of the discussion was focused on recursion, distinguishing the different variables that compose the Master Theorem. It definitely encouraged me to attend more of the Office hours as this was the first time I had attended for this class.


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