CST363.8 Module 8
CST363.8 Module 8
3 Most Important things Learned in CST363:
- The importance of Relational Databases within the business industry, and how determining relations such as one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many can decrease redundancy within the database and also allow you to make complex queries.
- Concurrency and understanding how to maintain uniformity through different isolation methods, and locking of transactions. Understanding the trade-offs between different methods, and how some can either decrease query times, but at the same time produce results such as phantom reads if the concurrent transactions are not serializable.
- Understanding how algorithms such as Depth First Search are utilized in a B+ tree in order to make search times more efficient. This was also the first time I had seen multiple data structures incorporated i.e. a B+ tree and a linked list. Seeing how they can be utilized together to optimize read and write times.
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