CST338.7-8 Learning Journal Summary


 CST338.7-8 Learning Journal Summary

Progression throughout the course:
    When looking back at the Jotto assignment it would be sort of fun to be able to play with it through Android Studio since it provides us with an interface to work with and Room Database to generate tables. I would probably start by building out a entity relational diagram to layout the tables used, then generate a UML diagram to delegate which methods and variables should be associated. from which Id build the activities after I've laid out the use cases and configured what the edge cases would be.

2 Victories
More thorough understanding of Interfaces, Abstraction, and parent child relations using extends among classes. I can see how making abstractions can make applications more modular especially when dealing with objects of similar properties. I also am enjoying being able to build working applications that can work on mobile, since most of the classes so far have been strictly through command prompt or terminal.

Areas of Improvement
Im beginning to understand Room Database more, and how I can incorporate relations among tables, since it was sort of forced considering the architecture of project 2 (Which is still challenging to wrap my head around). I feel as if I've also taken a big step in working through git and version control systems since this course, I had been managing version control manually, it's so much easier just to revert back to previous commit instead of trying to sift through and manually analyze what mistakes I've made.


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