CST300.1 Module One

1 Module One 

1.0 Collab-U Module 1

    We were directed to an online assessment for one of our assignments, which provides an external lesson/module format on OLI's webpage. The introduction provided a brief overview of what will be covered the first half of the unit will explain the way researchers and employers think about teamwork, whereas, the second half of the unit will deal with improving our personal skills for teamwork following our own personal style. As a whole, this unit should help with crafting a positive team experience as we collaborate and manage to suit one another's strengths and styles. We were then poised with a scenario, where we are part of a team at Carnegie Mellon's University tasked with creating a booth themed on the idea of Planets. This led us to a video, where we examined a team meeting for the first time about creating said booth. Several indications led me to believe there was a lot of conflict within the group with little resolution. Examples such as the inability to hear everyone's thoughts, no predefined roles being established, and someone needing to be on time for the meeting. Personally, I considered these, although I need help to verify since the site does not seem to let me compare.

1.1 Industry Analysis Outline

    This week I began working on my Industry Analysis paper, specifically researching and outlining in preparation for writing my first rough draft based on the Software as a Service industry, as for the company of choice,  I elected to analyze Adobe Inc., as I'm familiar to the company, having worked with a lot of their software. This enabled me to navigate and discover a few key resources such as accessing the CSUMB's library database, and how to format and document based on ALA guidelines, where I was previously accustomed to using MLA. This assignment has also allowed to me to look towards the future, my intended goals through obtaining a BS in Computer Science, and what else I need to do, outside of this program, to be employable in the industry. I believe that doing this, will aid in formulating an actionable game plan I can reference again in the future while working through this program.


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