CST300.8 Module Eight


8 Module Eight

8.1 Review Other Teams' Final Video Project

OtterDevs: AR/VR in Education and Healthcare

    The topic is clearly presented and covers multiple aspects of AR/VR and it's influence in education and healthcare. The team does well to highlight the impacts of AR/VR in healthcare, as there are several aspects I hadn't considered prior, especially the use of VR for treating mental health conditions. Also the ability to practice surgical procedures I feel will greatly impact and mitigate potential problems associated with less experienced surgeons. In Education, they highlighted key aspects such as providing a new framework to learning that integrates experience as a means of retaining information, which is an interesting approach. Teamwork here seems quite evident, in that every aspect of the topic was covered by individuals within the group. I also feel that the video is appropriate to the audience as they cover the topics broadly for the short version, and for the long version, provide breadth and depth for an audience member to inquire more about the subject.

Gigabit Goon Squad: Brain Computer Interface

    You can clearly tell the team is well-informed on the topic as they present they present the material on the topic concisely. From the history of EEG to the hopeful applications of the future. They also covered the differences between invasive and non-invasive applications of BCI. Another interesting feature they included in their presentation the mechanism of the technology, which was elaborated well and illustrated the complexities in a base-level fashion that made it easier to understand how BCI's worked. Teamwork is evident here, as there were more than a single presenter and each presenter seemed well-informed on the topic. I also believe the videos were appropriate to the intended audience as the shorter video only provided base level information, and the longer formatted video went in depth on the subtopics of the video.


Super4 Web Solutions: The Eternal Human

    Covering a breadth of topics, the team does well at addressing multiple aspects in regards to immortality through technology. The presentation was well presented as the slides presented key information discussed within each subject. Covering regenerative medicine, biotech, cyborgs, and virtual existence, they do well to present the history, current applications and a look towards the future of each respective field. I think the video production was great and you could tell that everyone on the team was working on the project. I think the video was appropriate for each audience, especially considering how broad a topic it is, and that the technology was well described especially when providing information on the current technology and it's applications.

 8.2 Learning Journal continued...

Generativee AI in Gaming (short & long format)

This week we focused on finishing our final video project. It required continual communication and forced us to adapt to time constraints and work on our collaborative skill sets. We integrated a hybrid form of cloud technology in the use of Adobe's ecosystem and team project features, which was difficult at first, but after we figured that the media management is very similar to development, the project was completed relatively quickly, and enabled all users contribute a part of the editing process. I believe in the future any collaborative effort will run smoothly, and that overall we've strengthened our bond as a team. I think in terms of improvement, we can continual advancing our communication skill set as it can be difficult considering we all have different schedules, but overall I'm happy with the team's final product and what we've accomplished.


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