CST300.5 Module Five


5 Module Five

5.0 Collab-U Module 6 & 7

    In this module we were focused on conflict recognition and strategies. As important as it is to have a strategy in managing conflict, one of the most important things is recognizing when a conflict is and or going to occur. If able to recognize the situation before hand, you minimize the damage that can possibly be afflicted amongst teammates. If unable to address the conflict before it rises, we need to assess important factors of the relationship that is jeopardy. It's important to note that although you may gravitate towards a certain conflict style, every conflict style has a benefit and trade-off dependent on the factors mentioned above.

5.1 Supporting Teammates

    We were tasked to look through some of our teammates blogs and comment on their educational and career goals. By doing so, I recognized that we all share common goals and that can further aid as support in achieving our own personal goals, solidifying our relationship with our team, by outlining what we want for our future.

Links to Teamate Blogs:



5.2 Ideas on Capstone Project

    Throughout the past few weeks, since viewing previous capstone projects a few possible applications I'd like to build in the future come to mind. 

As some background for one, I've had previous experience working with a non-profit that collaborates with our local school district. They provide activities, tutoring, and snacks to the students after school. During my time there, I  noticed a lot of their processes, such as student logging is all done manually through attendance sheets and signatures. These are required to maintain accordance with some of their grants. So for one, I think developing a cross platform-application that works across the different sites, managing and logging attendance, as well as student signatures. I'd also like to incorporate some sort of dashboard for administrators that provides live data visualization.

Another application I've considered, is an iOS app that connects to a wearable device capable of tracking heart rate variablity. A few years ago, I had taken a sleep study which tested for sleep apnea, and during that time there was research that published about using a HRV monitor in order to track sleep. I already have a device that's capable as well as knowing that the hardware provider also has an SDK. Throughout the semester, I'd like to explore this subject as it somewhat pertains to my illness too.

The last application I've thought of, is an application that will be used like a calendar, I'd like to integrate openAI's API features to provide an audio/text interface that will organize and manage your own personal schedule, providing several tasks, that a secretary can do, like searching for available times for appointments, scheduling and cancelling appointments, etc.

5.3   Miscellaneous

    Other than that, I've been researching a lot for my ethics essay. Digging through resources beyond cross referencing in order to better understand the ethical and legal aspects of topics arguments. I have also been thinking about internships, and although I had initially planned on waiting a year to begin applying, I think I may start to apply for this summer based on whats available, even though I may be underqualified, I think the practice of applying will prove beneficial when comes the time to apply for a job.


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