CST300.2 Module Two


2 Module Two 

2.0 Collab-U Module 2: What Makes Teams Perform Well?

    For this particular assignment, we covered a range of discussions and interviews focused on emotional intelligence and the behaviors behind every successful team. Discovering some key insights into collective intelligence, it was interesting to learn that group diversity, especially on the aspect of gender, tends to test at a higher rate, especially when the ratio has more females than males in the group. We also took the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test where we learned our own social sensitivity levels, testing lower than my expectations, I do need to make a point to ask for help/assurance within the group when social sensitivity is needed. We also learned that breaking boundaries within the group, by sharing something personal or emotional tends to improve group dynamics and promote a psychologically safe environment.

2.1 Review and Reflect Learning Strategy

    After reading Effective Study Skills, I've found that I already incorporate a lot of the SQ3R methods (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review). This method was integrated in my learning journey in high school in a history course, where the instructor was very strict on our readings, requiring us to go through basically the same outlining method of SQ3R. He over-emphasized summarizing our readings and was critical on highlighting key points of information per word instead of per line. Although at the time it seemed tedious and time-consuming compared to my other courses, I immediately saw results after each exam. It no longer required me to do any pre-test read-through, as the information had already been reviewed on the first read-through. Since then, I've changed the method slightly, and also now take notes digitally, but I'll always appreciate the study habits instilled through that course. I can also say that I tend to consider both study habits and test-taking to be considered a strengths. However, I do know that in classroom settings are difficult for me, granted I have a disability, and I find it difficult to stay awake in lectures regardless of how actively engaged I am in the lecture at hand. However, being able to access lectures through videos has been very helpful, due to the ability to rewind and catch points that I otherwise would have missed entirely. I also consider extracting only the important details something that's still a work in progress. Due to the ability to type faster, than I can write, I tend to naturally gravitate to writing verbatim, when I should really emphasize key points instead.

2.2 Preview Time Management Skills

    Unfortunately this week, I caught the flu, So my time management schedule went a little off the rails from Thursday to even today. but I constantly keep my calendar updated and was able to fill out an activity logger that summarizes how my time was allocated, which was primarily in bed. Hopefully, tomorrow I can jump back on track and start this new module fresh and healthy.

2.3 Project Management Basics

    In essence, a Project is a temporary endeavor that has a definitive starting point, where it is divided into several phases. Of which, under its final phase, has a defined endpoint,  that provides a unique output. Project management requires multiple skill sets, in the forms of leadership, communication, information technology, accounting, purchasing, and problem-solving. It is the balance of these skills that oversee the project life cycle. Where it is, initially presented, planned, executed, supervised, and finally closed as completed. We can accomplish a project in a myriad of ways, but requires good time, cost, and quality management to ensure the project completion. Some tools that we could utilize include a work breakdown structure which provides the team a chance to decompose the work, within a project into objectives and deliverables. After completing the breakdown structure, we could also use visualization charts to track the progress of our project, with the likes of a Gantt chart.

2.4 Previous Capstone Reviews

EZ Dashboard

- the project was considered a web-based solution that pulled existing datasets and translated them into data visualization models allowing an easy-to-access dashboard with several means of analyzing the metrics provided.  I believe the project is well done and formatted in a way, that represents several qualifications as a fullstack developer. Overall, I liked the presentation and the ability to customize the dashboard. Perhaps, continuing with the customization and making the dashboard more modular, dependent on the client different datasets could be used.

Project LIA

Project LIA is a web-based, photo processing application, that utilizes General Adversarial Networks to alter uploaded photos into stylized works of art, where the source material is also selected by the user. The project, although incomplete, is well done, utilizing APIs to access the new technology. Overall, I liked the presentation and vision behind the project, as for improvements, I think the UI could possibly be retouched and be more user-friendly, and also full development of a cross-platform application would benefit.

Oceanside Public Library Home Delivery System

This project provided a real-world solution for a local library that somewhat automated the check-out process which was previously labor-intensive. This was probably my favorite project, seeing as though it was completed as a group, that tackled a real-world solution during a challenging time (Pandemic). Overall, I wouldn't change anything in the project, and I like the fact that the system developed has the potential for other libraries to adopt their check-out system as well.

2.5 Week Summary

Although I was sick, I learned a lot more going through developing the draft of our Industry Analysis paper. Learning about how big of an influence Software as a Service is becoming in the software industry. Also a heavy emphasis on teamwork, in both writing the paper and going through this weeks module. With my company of choice in the paper being Adobe Inc., it's heavily emphasized that a lot of collaboration and teamwork is necessary for success and completion of projects and operations. It's amazing that the technology that initially granted success for the company is still being both utilized and re-innovated to new technological evolutions in the space for both creatives, and businesses.


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