CST300.0 Module Zero

300.0 Module Zero  

    Hello and welcome to my first official post to Blogger! I'll go by the name of Tangy Tech, a CS Online student out of CSUMB. In accordance with the program, I will use this as my learning journal, which will be updated weekly to reflect and document what I have learned throughout the courses to come. Our Introduction to the course came with assignments that emphasized scheduling and collaboration.

0.1 Scheduling

    Our first preparatory assignment was to create a weekly study plan. This was great for me especially since this program is asynchronous, allowing us to mold our schedule in accordance with our own personal work schedule. Overall I've chosen to make study times relatively consistent on a day-to-day basis, allocating one session early morning from 1.5 to 3 hours, and another session of the same length after lunch. I think doing so in this format will keep me focused on the tasks/assignments at hand, and allow me some flexibility in the case I miss one or two a week.

0.2 Collaboration

    We were also tasked with our first group project, which consisted of coming up with a team name and creating a team resume. This took a collaborative effort, where we broke the ice between teammates and got to know one another. Overall I'm excited to work with this group, as my teammates bring different skill sets to the table, from mobile development to game development to machine learning to even 3D asset curation.


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